Enjoy the Fall Foliage with your Cat

Enjoy the Fall Foliage with your Cat

Go out and explore the great outdoors with your fur baby

The leaves are turning colors, the weather is cooling down, it’s apple and pumpkin season… why not take in the fall foliage with your cat? With Vetreska’s Bubble Luggage, you and your cat can go out and enjoy all the wonders and joys of autumn together! Keep reading for more ideas on what to do with your fur baby this year to make autumn 2021 a memorable one!


Go hiking with your cat! 

Autumn promises stunning sights and cooler, crisper weather-- purr-fect for your fur baby! Watch out for the ticks though-- that's why our carrier is perfect for keeping your cat healthy and safe while taking in all the sights! Cats also prefer having a calm and quiet “safe spot” to retreat to while exploring, so make sure to bring your kitty’s favorite carrier to make your trip a memorable and fun one.


Visit a state fair together 

Is your kitty a bit skittish? With our cat carrier products, you and your fur baby can both enjoy one of the highlights of autumn—the State Fair!

Taste apple pies, enjoy some apple cider, and enjoy the rides—all with your fur baby by your side! Crowds can sometimes make it a bit trickier for your cats, but make new memories this year by bringing your cat alongside with you in a carrier—that way, everyone can take in the sights and wonders of autumn together! 


Pick some apples and pumpkins together

Get your cat to help you pick a pumpkin for Halloween and Thanksgiving this year! Make sure to check your nearby orchards’ policies, but many will allow your cats into the grounds if not the orchards itself. Let your cat help you find the puuurr-fect pumpkin and wow your neighbors with your Halloween decorations this year! 

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